👋 Hello, I am

Maryann Nzekwe

Maryann country flag Front-end developer based in Africa

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Maryann's nature project image

Nature Vacation project

Travelling has always fascinated me because it allows me to experience different cultures, see unique landscapes and meet people from all walks of life. These experiences have broadened my perspective on life by exposing me to diverse perspectives and challenging my preconceived notions about different cultures. This site was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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Weather App

Weather forecast app provides the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, minimum and maximum temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, forcaste for coming days or weeks of a selected city. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap and axios were used to make this weather app.

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 Maryann's weather app image
Maryann's music project image

Music App

Music is a form of art that uses sound organised in time. Music is also a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people like, find interesting or dance to. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums or violin. This was the first site that I built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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